Monday, April 14, 2014

Current Event Blog #1

You must post on a current event that has occurred in the past month. You will receive no credit if you post on the same subject as one of your classmates, or if you post about an event that occurred longer than one month ago.

Your post must include:
  • Location
  • Source
  • Time/date
  • Overview of the event including people involved
Do not include your opinion in your blog post, but please feel free to include your opinion in your comments.

In addition to your post, you must comment on two different articles from your peers. Your comments should contain a relevant, thoughtful opinion on the subject presented.


  1. According to CNN, a 14 year old girl from Holland was arrested today for tweeting a "terrorist threat" to American Airlines. She is not arrested under suspicion of carrying out terrorist activities, but rather for "posting a false or alarming announcement." The girl immediately rescinded her tweet after a swift reply from American Airlines stating that her threat will be taken seriously. Her proceeding tweets of "I'm scared" and "I'm just a girl" did not prevent her being taken into custody.

    1. I think she should be held accountable for her actions. American Airlines may have had to conduct an investigation and/or an evacuation of the building.Her careless threats caused the company time and money. Hopefully if she learns at an early age that she can't do things like that and get away with it, it will help her no to make similar choices in the future, at the expense of others.

    2. Although the tweets this young individual has made are unwarranted, they aren't inexcusable. She should be warned or even taught the dangers of public terror, but considering she is only 14, there is surely a better way of punishment dealt then arresting her.

    3. I agree with Angela. Teenagers these days have taken to hiding behind the "invisible shield" that they believe the Internet provides for them. They have all become careless in determining what is an acceptable thing to say. Many students nowadays laugh off such threats as being silly and then proceed to make jokes about how "they might just blow up the school as well". This girl's case is just another example of the naivety of this generation. Too many people believe that they can say whatever they please because of their right to free speech or their Web Anonymity. American Airlines did the right thing in arresting this girl, for now she serves as a martyr to all; an example to those who see themselves impenetrable to the long arms of the law. Hopefully with the media given to her controversial arrest this generation of teenagers will finally begin to see the fallacy in their way of handling of the Internet, and treat Social Networking with greater care.

    4. As a young kid, I once called 911 from a payphone just to see what would happen. She was just a immature girl who did not know any better and was ignorant about what would the consequence be for her actions.

    5. My friend told me that she heard the reasoning behind the tweet to be a "hack" from her friend. Obviously, it wasn't meant to get out of hand, but the honest fact that it did is proof enough of what the internet is doing to our society. Although, I do wonder if the Airlines would have taken such an extensive action if it was an American girl.

    6. I believe she deserves every punishment coming to her. She is old enough to know what is and is not suppose to be posted on a social media. Even if it was just a joke she took it to a whole new level that crossed many lines. Although she is only 14 she should be faced with serious consequences for her actions that were definitely inappropriate.

    7. I think the girl should be accountable for her actions. She is old enough to understand that saying something of that nature is not okay in any way. Although she is only 14 she should of know better.

    8. Any action should be perform for any kind of threat. No one should underestimate a 14 year old. No one knows what she is cabale of. I think it is a good thing she got arrested. She is old enough to know what she is doing.

    9. To me, she deserves what she got. Airlines have a zero tolerance policy towards these thing- joke or not. This should be common sense.

    10. Certainly taking her into custody was necessary. Hopefully the prospect of jail time will scare her and others into refraining from making such comments in the future, though she doesn't necessarily deserve to be convicted. Being a moron doesn't warrant punishment

    11. That girl deserved everything that happened to her. Threats like that should be taken very seriously. Hopefully this incident will persuade individuals not to send threats even if they're just for giggles.

  2. According to CNN, A 39-year-old woman in Utah told police she either strangled or suffocated at least six babies immediately after she gave birth to them over a period of years, a document shows."According to Ms. Huntsman, she then concealed their bodies inside boxes and placed them inside the garage of the Pleasant Grove residence".Over the weekend, authorities found the remains of seven infants at a home where Huntsman used to live.

    1. It is astounding that a woman could do this to something which she toiled over and carried with her for 9 freaking months! When I read this story however the report also said that one of the children was expected to be stillborn. If this mother had gone through the experience of giving birth to a stillborn baby within the confines of her home, then that could very likely drive her to insanity. There are cases out there of women who are driven mad after the loss of a child and kill all the children that follow, simply because their broken minds force them to relive the loss of that first child. Imagine how terrible that must have been, to "have" to kill all of your children, and you didn't understand what was making you do it, and then to try to have a child and be forced to repeat the process all over again. I'm not sure of this is really what's wrong with the poor woman, but this is my theory about what went wrong in this poor woman's head to justify these unprovoked deaths.

    2. I don't understand how someone could do that, I mean like Bailey said about carrying a baby for 9 months.. and simply ending a life of a helpless child. Arresting her was good overall, but she should seek counseling, to be able to distinguish how someone could do that and go on normally with life.

    3. I find this very disturbing and awful! I cannot believe that nobody noticed she never raised a child. I cannot believe that the father of the children did not put a stop to this how is one woman capable of such actions to an innocent baby like that. It just hurts to know that those baby's were not able to experience life or love. Its awful that they were killed but I glad they didn't end up in a home that they were unwanted in.

    4. I am mind blown. This lady does not need counseling she should be put in jail and serve her time. Just because she had a stillborn does not give her the right to kill the rest of the babies capable of living. What example are we setting for the rest of the other mothers who feel as if they can take away a life and get away with it because one of there other baby was a stillborn.

    5. If she gets put in jail somebody will kill her. Real thugs like me don't play about that kid of stuff. This makes us mad, what kind of hate do you have in your heart to strangle someone who has done nothing to you. what's wrong with people?

    6. This just shows how some others should be thankful for their parents for showing love and actually raising them to be who they are today. You just never know what could be in someone's mind! This is an awful, and mournful event.. but this horrible woman should be put to death or put away for life,

    7. It's obvious that this is a post that'll tamper with morals and emotions, however, has anyone stopped to question why the police or any authority never noticed the absence of one life? Did she give birth at home? Was she always at home, and that's why no one thought to question where the children were? I just don't understand how this could slip by.

    8. This is extremely disturbing to my mind how this woman had the curiosity to even do this to all her seven children. She needs to be held accountable for what she did to herself and the newborns who's life's were taken by this monster of a "mother." Its a shock how not one individual knew what was happening! This woman needs to serve the time she deserves. Seven newborns murdered for no specific reason can't just get a few years she deserves a life sentencing.

    9. Wow! That'a an awful thing to do to an infant! This makes me think that maybe we should reevaluate what happens in society. How could they not notice that some of her children were missing or she kept having children but you would never see them with her? I think she might have a problem and should get checked out.

    10. This disgusts me. How could people harm innocent infants who cannot even defend themselves? Our society is transforming into a world where murder just happens all the time. Once again, I believe that all these people have mental problems and should deserve a death sentence or if she gets away with jail time, she should be under therapy before she does anything else that could harm other people's lives. Gosh what are these people thinking!

    11. I don't know why she would bother to get pregnant in the first place. A mother's loves should be unconditional. Who would have the decency to kill infants? They have no fighting will to stand up for themselves. People just get crazier by the day.

    12. Why would someone go through the pain of labor, just to do this? I just find it hard to believe, almost as if it were a bad tale being told. I wish it were just that and nothing more.

    13. Does she have no idea of contraception? Does she derive some sort of twisted pleasure in giving life and then taking it away? What was her reason for even confessing in the first place? I hope that she gets what she deserves.

    14. This woman obviously has mental problems that she needs to deal with. I agree with Cameron, should would be killed if put into jail. So many people in prison want nothing more than to see their kids, and upon hearing something like this, it could drive them to murder. I think that while a certain amount of blame should obviously be placed on the woman, most of the blame should be placed on her family and community. How could nobody notice that this woman needed this much help. She was wounded emotionally, and obviously set on her own. People with mental issues do not get enough assistance, and this is just another sad example of this.

    15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    16. It's crazy to imagine someone killing the child that they carried for 9 months. To make matters even worse, there were 7 babies. Yeah, she has mental problems, but it is still very hard to believe that someone can murder a baby that is basically a part of them.

    17. That lady must have had a terrible childhood or something but she is insane all I can say is she needs help for sure she needs Jesus. Its sad what things have come to in our society.

    18. I am Disgusted! what kind of human is this lady?, she obviously needs to be put in a mental institute and jailed for the rest of her life. There is no way this lady shall be pardoned for anything, and neither should the people who knew about this.

    19. I think that this puts everyone in awe! How can you just kill your own children and go on with yourself, I mean yes shes has mental issues but why hasn't anyone put a stop to this whenever it happened the first time!

  3. Spring 2014 from The Verge: A bug has been exploited by hackers world-wide that gives them access to private website's, such as Yahoo, Flickr, Tumblr, and countless others, encryption keys. In simple talk: a skeleton key to your personal information. Even more unsettling is that the NSA (the infamous government agency known for its unwarranted prying into the virtual lives of Americans) has exploited this bug in the system for over two years already. Hackers everywhere are in a race to damage the ecosystem and take what isn't theirs, just for the sake of doing it. This overnight bug that has rocked the internet has come to be known as "Heartbleed" and is posing a threat to the 80% of Americans who have connected their life to the world wide web.

    1. This is something a lot of people should be aware of, as it looks like it has become a great issue and something def, has to be done. Many americans don't even feel safe usuing the internet because their identity could be stolen by simple typing in your adress and that type of atmosphere isn't very comforting considering the fact that it is is coming from the NSA.

    2. It's amazing how many people in today's society aren't aware of the NSA watching our every move, this should make people more aware of what the government is doing to us

    3. Nothing is private on the internet, no matter what protection websites claim to have. NSA has been doing things like this for a while, but whether it's constitutional or not is the question. People really need to learn to control what they do, say, and give on the internet, because there's always a possibility something like this can happen again.

    4. I agree with Linda there is a privacy and terms thing because there are exception to our privacy but who ever really reads them so truly it is kind of our own faults.... Obama is reading this. Just kidding I don't know.

  4. The University of California in San Diego recently filled a newly recognized role of "Professor of Zombie Studies" when they hired Comic-Con panelist and Self-Proclaimed Zombie Expert, Bradley Voytek. Bradley's official role at the University is member of the Department of Cognitive Science as a Professor of Neuroscience. Voytek says that by using a "zombie apocalypse" scenario he is able to engage all of his student in his lectures (few of which are actually about the science behind such an outbreak).


    2. It's really cool that a professor in university would try so hard to get his students interested in neuroscience. I think that by making neuroscience connected to a potential zombie apocalypse, more people will be interested in pursuing in that field.

    3. Although it is unique how a professor is thinking outside of the box for getting students interested isn't it also misleading for what if some them do think that a zombie apocalypse is possible? I do congratulate the professor on thinking up a new perspective on a rather dull subject to some.

    4. Although this is pretty awesome, there should be some caution and worry behind this experiment. Not many individuals think deeply into what it may cause for instance, what if the professor misused a chemical or did something wrong with an experiment? It could potentially cause a airborne disease and affect many.

    5. I agree with Jasmyn, this sounds just awesome but they should be very cautious as to how things are carried out before he accidentally starts the inevitable zombie apocalypse himself. But on the other hand I think this would be actually very educational and interesting to many as his scenarios could be put forth other situations as well like non zombie like epidemics caused by diseases.

  5. On April 9, 2014 the Huffington Post reported that the US Navy had discovered a way to convert seawater into a usable form of jet fuel. The Navy is using a technique that takes the carbon-dioxide from the seawater while simultaneously producing hydrogen, and then they convert the gasses into a hydrocarbon liquid fuel. This amazing new technology could shave off hours of refueling at sea and prevent valuable mission time to be spent else where. It has already successfully fueled a radio controlled scale-model replica of a WWII plane with an internal combustion engine. The Naval Research Laboratory estimates that this technology will be commercially realistic in about 10 years and will only cost about $3 -$6.

    1. That is so amazing. With all this new technology, it seems like we can do anything. That is such a good way to recycle and help the environment. Scientists should do more stuff like this to help the world go round instead of dragging it into ruins with other useless inventions. This way is so efficient and not at all costly, which is what our world needs.

    2. Although projects like this are expensive initially, they are becoming increasingly necessary. As oil reserves are depleted, petroleum-based fuels will inevitably become too costly to use on a mass scale, and will need to be replaced by alternatives like this.

    3. With new inventions and innovations being discovered every year, some useless to society while some like this is quite helpful to the environment I believe scientists need to focus more on these types of technological innovations. Some that is initially costly will benefit not only our society but the atmosphere as well is quite astonishing since due to the gasoline in our cars, pollution has been seeping into the atmosphere for decades and with this we can stop polluting the air.

    4. Even though this plan sounds great for us what happens if we become dependent on this resource completely like we did with oil , and the longterm effects are devastating to the environment. Both animals and plants depend on carbon And hydrogen that is contained in water to function

  6. According to Yahoo News, police say they have taken a man who was closely associated with 2 unattended backpacks left at the finish line of the Boston Marathon finish line. The backpacks were discovered one years after the first bombing which resulted in 2 people dying and many critical injured. Police are checking bags which were found Tuesday and tweeting around asking people questios about the bags, also advising to stay clear of that area.
    Former Mayor Thomas Menino spoke at the convention center, marking a year of the relatives killed at last year's Boston Marathon Bombing.

    1. That is so crazy. Last year's bombing was such a big deal and hurt so many people. What does a person or a group of people hold against the Boston Marathon? What point are they trying to proving by bombing this site? With the two criminals last year being caught and put in prison, wouldn't that scare others not to pursue such a terrible action?

    2. They have to check everyone nowadays, there are American dealing with terrorist activity just like the Boston marathon and lately the fort hood military camp. No one can be trusted. I agree with the precaution that is being taking even though most think it is an exaggeration.

    3. Every since the first bombing I have become paranoid when I see that a bag has been left alone for a certain period of time. Now I see why our school dismissed us early after they found the suit case in the back of the school, because you never know what can be in it.

  7. According to Fox News on April 14th, the police of Pakistan have arrested a man in the village of Khawar Kalan suspected of cannibalism after finding human body parts including the skull head of a child in his household. Neighbors complained of smelling something foul coming from the house, so called the police to inspect it. Authorities hypothesize that the man and his brother dug up corpses from a nearby graveyard. A suspect claimed that the man had been released from prison about one year ago after being convicted for dehumanizing a body. Under Pakistani law, cannibalism is not a crime but dehumanization was. The police discovered several human body parts cooked at the brothers’ house. The two brothers were sentenced to two years in prison.

    1. How have these two brothers been getting away with stealing bodies from a graveyard and eating them almost like a mixed up version of Frankenstein? Shouldn't the brothers be charged with more then just dehumanization seeing as how burying your loved ones is also seen as religious and could Segway into that?

    2. That is disgusting. How could they go and dig up random people and eat them? Why isn't cannibalism a crime? The two brothers should be given a harsher punishment than 2 years in prison.

    3. I wonder why "dehumanization" is a crime, while cannibalism faces no consequences? I realize that cannibalism usually goes hand in hand with murder, and since these men did not actually kill anyone, some could argue they were simply scavenging, no matter how horrible it is.

  8. According to KCCI Deborah Burns was accused of stabbing her boyfriend of 6 years after he "farted in her face" as he walked passed her. It was Said that they were in the living room watching TV when he got up and walked towards the kitchen and farted I her face. When she confronted him he got mad and told her to shut up. He then chased her into the kitchen when he picked up a knife and threw it at her, he missed. She then picked up a knife and threw it at him as he ran outside and it hit him in the stomach. "Burns,whose occupation was listed as an unemployed prostitute on the Collier County Sheriff's Office booking blotter, was arrested on a charge of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. She was being held at the county jail on $50,000 bond."

    1. Wow this is crazy; on top of this, her story is not adding up. It's hard to believe that all this took place based on a farting Incident. Moreover, this goes to show how the American people are actively involved in violence even for something simple like passing gas.

    2. I wonder if this couple had any type of relationship problems, however I hoesntly think this was not the first time this "boyfriend" did something like this as a accident. But Val is right one one thing, her story does not add up, what was going on in her mind at the time? I can only say one thing about this relationship, and that is men are dirty-rotten scumbags.

    3. Was this lady diagnosed with any mental disorders? From what I have read it seems like this girlfriend has some anger problems. Lately several accidents or murders are caused by people who have history of mental issues. Either way she should not have gone that far of killing him, I mean it was just a joke, she took it overboard.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. It's crazy how a simple common thing can even turn into an argument. I understand she didn't like what he did and so it was smart of her to just simply confront him about it. Maybe her boyfriend has anger issues that's why he was quick to get mad and it was easy for him to grab something to throw at her first. A knife shouldn't be used as an object to be thrown especially since it used commonly as a weapon. On top of that her actions weren't any more brighter than her boyfriend's since she threw a knife as well but one of them had to pay the consequences.

    6. Even though it's awful, it is kind of humorous at the same time. All of this started because he farted in her face. Out of all things, usually you just say "seriously?", and move on. I guess they both had severe anger issues and they just went off on one another. He shouldn't have pulled the knife, that's way too far, but she didn't have to throw the knife back.

    7. That is hilarious. I'm going to keep my comment as simple minded as the woman and boyfriend from the story and say that this is just so ridiculous. Honestly was it that bad of a fart that she had to get upset over it? Yes it is very disrespectful but honestly everyone who's anyone does the same to their friends and laugh it off as a joke not get up and throw a knife at them. I'm going to go on a gut feeling and say that perhaps there were some great relationship problems in addition to possible anger issues.

  9. According to CNN, the construction of "The Artist Pension Fund" has been established to secure a prominent future for striving artists. Artists will no longer have to depend on a part time job of creating works of art in the foam of just another Starbucks order. They don't have to sell the art work, but, instead, lend it to the fund in return for the financial support they need.

    1. This policy sounds very similar to what they use to do in the Middle Ages . A jester would preform , a form of art , in return he lived at the castle and was provided food . Life would become much more simple and less stressful

  10. According to CNN, a South Korean ferry began to sink as guests were eating their breakfast just a little ways away from their final destination. Guests were instructed to listen to loudspeakers instructing them to stay calm and on the ship. Guests had the choice to jump into the water with life vests or stay on board the sinking ship. Many were picked up out of the water by nearby fishing vessels and some that stayed on top of the ferry were picked up by helicopter. Six have been reported dead already and divers dive the Yellow Sea searching for many more guest unaccounted for, according to records many of them were teenagers.

    1. I'm just baffled to as why they would give the guests a choice to their survival, and i'm wondering how many of the individuals that jumped account for the six deaths?

    2. This is so devastating, especially to those who might've lost one or still do not know the whereabouts of their love ones. I actually just saw this on the news and over 200 people are still missing. What caused the ferry to sink? Do the ones that are still missing have a chance of being alive?

    3. i just saw this and i read that the students where texted their families and friends while all this was happening. It's so sad, thinking your life was ending and everyone else thinking that too.

    4. I had heard that most of the guests on the ferry were highschool kids. It is quite frightening to hear about so many students our age missing at sea and that such a tragedy could happen to us at any given moment.

    5. Its another titanic. that's why ships shouldn't carry large numbers of people.

  11. On April 14, 2014 during eastern time at 1:51 am, CNN reports a gunman that opened fire at two Jewish facilities near Kansas City and killed three people. Moreover, reporters state how the suspect shouted "Heil Hitter" during the event and that the suspect had been involved in a White-Supremacist group that advocated the extermination of Jews.

    1. It is extremly sad and heart breaking for people to discriminate people based on skin color. Was anyone hurt during the shoting? What happen to the gunman? And what were the names of the Jewish facilites that were being shot at? This man should be dealt with, and the group needs to be put down. If this group does anymore harm to anyone, then should we question our protection from these groups?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. On April 15. in 1:20am in the morning Canadian police recieved a phone call from a house party in the University of Calgary, the caller reported that a man named Matthew de Grood just killed 3 students and injured 2 other students. Matthew de Grood used a commen household knife to stab 3 students to death and injuring two other students. Police arrested Mr.Grood on the scene of the crime charging with 1st degree murder. The other two students that were injured were rushed to the hospital, however they both died. Teachers and parents of the victims and criminal were all shock to watch there children die, and wacth their son become a mass murder over night. "They were all good kids" said a teacher, "I honestly did not expect this incident to occur."

    1. This is troubling to me on how people can go from being a great person one minute to a murderer the next. How do we know if a person we know that we trust and are close with might murder us one day? It's horrible to think that someone close to those students killed them so cruelly.

    2. It's crazy how something like this can happen and how people are so okay with killing other people. Like what went through that guys head to make him want to kill the kids and be fine with it? It makes me wonder if he was exposed to violence as a child and became fascinated with it, or if he didn't receive attention from his parents before he was 2 since that is the most important time of brain development. If kids don't receive affection in those two years they don't get those sympathy synapses and don't know what having sympathy is like.

  14. On the morning of April 16th in Alabama, 51-year-old Anita Hill was convicted of murdering her son's gay lover at a truck stop. According to Contributor Report, officials do not believe this was a "hate crime" because Anita insisted that Jamie Johnson, the gay lover, had been violent and abusive towards her son. Hill was asked to show evidence that is now being looked at. Police say this was a case in what appears to be a mother protecting her son, others believe it was a love triangle and she was the odd man out. Officer Phillips believes that Hill did not go to the truck stop with the intension to shoot Johnson.

    1. This is so sad to me. Because of the controversy around gays in this country, this woman is going to be pre-judged before she even goes into the court room. People are just going to assume that she killed him because it was her sons gay lover, regardless of the abuse claims. The lawyers are going to have to go the extra mile when choosing this jury pool in order to insure that the jury is neutral about homosexuality

    2. What exactly were her intentions of going to the truck stop then and why did she have a weapon? I believe she knew what she was going to do when she brought the weapon.

  15. According to CNN, over 100 girls abducted from school are freed, 8 still missing in Nigeria. Boko Haram militants, herded more than 100 students onto buses, vans and trucks and drove off, flanked by motorcycles. Just eight of the 129 abducted school girls were still missing It was not clear how the girls became free. Boko Haram, which translates as "Western education is sin," is an Islamist militant group waging a campaign of violence in northeastern Nigeria, particularly in the states of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa. The group is known to have carried out deadly attacks on other schools in the northeast. In a clip released by the group on March 23, leader Abubakar Shekau threatened to launch raids and abduct girls from schools.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. According to The Telegraph, on April 2nd 2014, the leader of the drug cartel, Caballeros Templarios, was killed by the army forces of the Mexico in the town of Queretaro. Enrique Plancarte refused to surrender to the marines while he was being chased down, so he decided to shoot open fire to one of the marines, and the only way to control him was by firing back, causing his death. Plancarte is known to control the vigilante gangs of the state of Michoacan in Mexico. Although their leader is killed, this group of people are still determined to control their area. Plancarte was known as one of the most dangerous leaders of the Caballeros Templarios, which continue to dominate the streets of Michoacan with their corruption and power, even after the death their notorious leader.

  18. According to CNN, Rachel Rapraeger who is now a former hospital technician from Georgia was recently sentenced to six months in prison for manipulating mammogram records fro about 1,289 patients. She initially pleaded to be not guilty, but she admitted her crime to lower her sentence to only 10 counts of misdemeanor reckless conduct and one count of a felony computer forgery. Ten of the victims were given false negatives, which means that the mammogram missed cancer that was present,and two of the ten are now dead. Rapraeger also received 10 years of probation, a $12,500 fine, and a 10 year suspension from any job pertaining to the health field. She currently remains free on a $50,000 bond until a bed is available for her at an undetermined state probation facility, according to her attorney Frank Buford.

    1. I wonder what the justification in her head was for doing that. I also think she should never be allowed to work in the health field because she put over a thousand peoples lives at stake and did not help the people that came and trusted her with their life.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. According to NY DAILY NEWS, two seventeen girls in Miami were killed when a car hit them. Caroline Agreda and her friend Anapaula Saldana had gotten into a car accident before being hit by another vehicle. On their first accident, Eduardo Hernandez went out of his way to help them when a car being driven by Christopher Masferrer hit them out of nowhere. It has also been reported that Masferrer may have been drinking at the time of the accident. Both teenagers attended Sunset Senior High School the school where Hernandez' daughter also attends. All three of them died and one was for the cause of helping others. A friend of the girls, Sam Odio, said, "It sucks how one guy had to ruin the lives of three people and the lives of many families".

  21. On Tuesday Apirl 15, a 69 year old man entered Johns Hopkins hospital and commited suicide in the mens bathroom. people are now asking is there more deaths in hospitals?

  22. On Monday February 24, according to CNN the worlds most wanted man Joaquin "El Chapo' Guzman, a notorious drug lord, was captured by Mexican marines. He was captured by marines with the use of infrared and body-heat scanners. When authorities raided his hideaway he was asleep with an assault rifle handy. In the hideaway along with him were his body guards and his 2 year old twin daughters.

  23. According to NBC News on April 13, 2014 a former Ku Klux Klan leader was the suspected person of interest for the killing of three people at two Jewish centers, Frazier Glenn Cross, Jr. who is 73 years old is suspected of fatally shooting a 14-year-old and his grandfather in the parking lot. A civil right organization who has long known for using aliases the center sued Cross in the 80's for intimidating African Americans, and has had several run-ins with the law since then. Miller had been in many groups in which were racist, violent, and negative people. Miller's home was searched in which was filled with hand grenades, automatic weapons, and many rounds of ammunition.

    1. Its sad that people are like that and so predijuce towards people. I think that his age shows where these views come from, but it is still sad that people cannot adapt to the changing world, and instead take it out on young people and take their lives.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Eric William Sear, 30, was convicted of killing 69-year-old Douglas Barry, who was a Vietnam veteran. He was day two trial. Eric William brutally beat this man as the hospital had said he had been assaulted. Eric William was a homeless guy who has been found guilty by jury.

  26. Quite some time ago, a man by the name of Richard Torres married a tree. Richard is an environmentalist from Argentina that has married a tree as a way of highlighting environmental issues. He now plans to bring his "unique style of activism to countries throughout Latin America". The wedding was complete with readings from the local actors and nice clothing. The tree had a tie.

    1. Although the guy may have thought of this as an attempt to gather support for the environment, this may have just caught more attention on him as being crazy.. It's amazing what people do to win over the public on different topics.

    2. I love the details about the clothing! I think people will go to great lengths to get any point across. If somebody wants to be heard, they will find a way. Props to this guy. Where's the honeymoon?

    3. What if Mr. Torres wants to make little baby trees with Mrs.Torres?

  27. According to CNN news, a two year old sneaked out to his backyard by himself and fell in the pool. When his parents found him they called the paramedics and as soon as they got there, they had noticed he had no pulse. He was dead. After 25 minutes, they had brought him back to life. The doctors had say that he shouldn't have made it but he did.


  29. According to CNN, Jordan's ambassador was kidnapped on Tuesday in central Tripoli. Ambassador Fawaz al-Aytan and his security detail were taken and his driver was shot and injured. The spokesman for the Libyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs told the public that masked gunman in two vehicles ambushed the ambassador and took al-Aytan. The motive is suggested to be that they were to swap the ambassador with a Libyan from a Jordanian jail. The results of this is that the Royal Jordinian airport has shut down and the Libyan prime minister and family had been attacked by militia. The prime minister has stepped down from his position and governing in a caretaker government until a new prime minister can be appointed.

  30. Nigeria, April 14
    71 people killed and 133 people injured in Abuja, Nigeria's capital, due to a parked vehicle's explosion. A responder commented that there were "bodies scattered everywhere." The culprits behind the deadly blast are unknown at the time. However, it is suspected that Boko Haram is the one responsible. Haram is an Islamist militant group that has a violent history in Nigeria and is a terrorist group by the U.S. State Department. Boko Haram has targeted Abuja before, attacking the United Nations building and killing 25 people.

    BBC- According to a recent study, artists have different brains than non-artists. In the study, scientists took scans from the brains of 21 artists and 23 people who were not. On average, the artists had more grey matter in regions that effect art skills, and have increased motor-skills and visual imagery. Some, such as Alice Shirley, even believe that this different brain is heredity. While you have to work to better art skills, it seems to be already set in you if you're going to be good at it or not.

    1. This completely goes against the famous saying of "choosing who you are". Apparently now it really is determined before birth if you will be successful, at least in this case.

    2. Although, in some cases you have the advantage of getting the it heredity. Does not mean, they have a higher success rate than those who don't. Those who don't have the advantage learn to work harder than those who do because in this case, they are lacking in motor skills and imagery. The person actually still holds the choosing, it just depends how much they are willing to sacrifice in order to get there.

  32. Anti-semitism has now been added to the list of controversies surrounding the current situation in the Ukraine. USA Today states that after exiting a synagogue, Jews in the Eastern Ukranian city of Donetsk were given leaflets demanding that they register with the pro-Russian militants controlling the city. The recipients were required to provide a list of all their owned property and pay a registration fee, or else they would face deportation and the confiscation of their assets.

    1. Why can't everybody just get along! But, seriously it seems like Jews are pretty much always a target regardless of the conflict. If japan and korea went to war somehow the Jews would end up deported from somewhere.

  33. After the east Asian island nation's coast rescued as many passengers from the South Korean Ferry incident, it is reported by Michael Pearson from CNN that there are still 270 passengers missing. Most of these missing passengers are high school students who were on a field trip and is believed by investigators that they are still alive but trapped inside the ship.

    1. It is highly unlikely that they have not been surged by water shortly after the sinking of the Ferry

  34. On April 16, in Nebraska a young mother called the police because her three year old son was missing. Around the same time the police recieved her call, they got another from a near by bowling alley because a three year old boy had climbed into one of their claw machines and was playing with the stuffed animals. The mom and her son were reuinited after a worker from the claw machine company came and took the young boy out.

    1. The mother is quite careless if her son was able to escape to where he did. Also, did people at the bowling alley not witness the little boy getting inside the machine before it was too late and attempt to help him out?

  35. According to Yahoo News, a 19-year-old woman in Providence, Rhode Island, was attacked by a pit bull, which led to injuries on her arm and her left ear to be completely torn off. Plastic surgeons usually fix situations such as this, but because the ear was torn, the procedure would be much more difficult, and only about 50 cases like this were successful. The idea of using leeches to help reattach the woman's ear came into play due to the ability of the leeches to drain deoxygenated blood, which helps blood drain back to the body and the ear to attach back to the body. The treatment only took a matter of two weeks, and it does not even seem like anything ever went wrong with her ear.

    1. I'm glad the managed to reattach her ear but you mentioned it "ONLY" took 2 weeks. Only?

  36. According to the Jewish people of the Ukraine will now have to register. They were all given leaflets and now are required to register themselves and all their property to the government . All long with registering they will have to pay a fee for their religion . No one from the government has taken credit for this act , however if the Jews don't abide by theses regulations they can be deported from the country and all your property taken

    1. It's really sad that in this day and age where we are taught acceptance that people are still racist and discriminate against people with different beliefs.

  37. According to CNN, technology is advancing in that they are creating 3-D printings of human body parts. Doctors at University Medical Center Utrecht, in Holland, have reported successfully performing the first surgery to completely replace a patient's skull with a tailor-made plastic version that was 3-D printed. James Yoo at the Wake Forest School of Medicine in the United States is developing a printer that will print skin straight onto the wounds of burn victims. The "ink" they're using consists of enzymes and collagen.

    1. That is amazing. That in 2014 we can print something that will hold a human together and keep them living. the world has come a long way.

  38. According to NBC News, there is an Ebola outbreak in West Africa, especially New Guinea. This disease has already caused the deaths of 137 people and is fatal in 90% of cases. Ebola is highly contagious, but only so after the patient is very sick, which helps prevent its spread. It was previously thought to be imported from The Democratic Republic of Congo however, it has been recently discovered that this strain of Ebola is unique and has never been encountered before. This presents another roadblock in the research of this fateful disease with no cure or vaccine.

    1. This should be taken very seriously as humans are extremely vulnerable to new diseases as experienced with the swine flu.

  39. According to the New York Times, a drug trafficking leader of the Sinaloa Gang ,Jesús Vicente Zambada Niebla was arrested in 2009 for trafficking cocaine and heroin from South America to distributors in Central America who than smuggled them into the United States . And on Thursday April 10 of this year U.S. Attorney in Chicago stated that the man has been working with the U.S. authorities under a plea deal in order to lower his sentence.

    1. This man should not be able to lower his sentence because he is carrying drugs. Carrying drugs across the border of many countries in central america and the United States. This affair should be taken seriously because we are dealing with foreigners in this case. Bringing a new substance of heroin and cocaine can lead to more fatal drug related deaths.

  40. According to CNN, in University, MS a fraternity closes its chapter because of three students' reckless behavior. In February, students from the Sigma Phi Epsilon in the University of Mississippi were suspected of tying a noose around a statue with the confederate flag to accompany it. Brian Warren, CEO, was enraged and saw this behavior as not suited for the purpose of the fraternity. This led him to the decision of closing the chapter.

    1. It’s sad when a fraternity has to close their chapter for all due to the reckless behavior of some. I mean generations upon generations have gone through the same fraternity, creating legacies for future family members. Now their tradition is stopped dead in their tracks. Perhaps instead of punishing a whole family of brothers, maybe they should of just kicked the troublemakers out of the fraternity.

  41. Benedict XVI requested to Paul Castro , president of Cuba, to make good Friday an official holiday in Cuba. Although, they recognized it as a holiday in 2013, they never had an reason to call it as a holiday. They finally passed a labor code law to make good Friday an holiday every year. Regulation will take affect in June though they still fight to have this Friday off.

    1. This are great news for the religious affiliation of catholic people, even though it may cause problems as there might be other people offended by it.

    2. Cuba’s population is half Roman Catholic, and establishing Good Friday as an official holiday will spread the faith even wider. Catholicism itself is declining and this was a good move by the Pope. Perhaps this notion should be set in other countries where Catholicism is at least practiced by half of the population. For example students in Mexico get the whole week off for Holy week.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. According to Fox News an avalanche from Mount Everest has caused the death of approximately six people thus far and another nine are missing on Friday of April 18. Apparently the tour guides for the day were testing the ropes in an area nicknamed the "popcorn field" early in the morning when they were caught by an avalanche at around 6:30 AM. Countless others rushed to help immediately and a helicopter was even sent to help but for some it was too late.

  44. President Barack Obama is wanting his fellow Americans to be "proud" of the fact that millions of people signed up for Obama care but Republicans are trying to repeal the Affordable Care act. Obama is wanting the democrats to help in his fight against it stating that "I dint think we should apologize for it, we should be defensive about it". 8 million signed up for his insurance but how long will it stay?

  45. the insurance of retired hard working Americans have gone up because of the idea of Obama care, which is wrong. why should a hard work who is retired have their insurance go up for Obama care. Obama care is taking more then it provides.

  46. According to CNN a man was kicked out of a Florida men's basketball league for testing positive for HIV. An employee at the recreation facility informed him during the middle of a game that he was no longer allowed because they didn't want other people to catch the disease. Later the Facility supervisor said that he was sorry for the mistake, that the employee was not directed to do that, and that they would do everything they could to correct the mistake.

    1. I feel like that employee was absent a lot during health class and doesn't know how HIV works

  47. According to Bedford New York has just recently joined a pact to use thier electoral votes accordingly with the nation's popular vote. New york is only the most recent to join in on the agreement followingCalifornia, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington. The voting method would mean that the nation's popular vote would hold the most power whne deciding the president.


    2. I believe that if every single vote was counted by hand, while tedious and may cost more money, it would be the most fair and effective way on voting for EVERYTHING and makes a single vote mean everything.

    3. That's showing were getting very close to true Democracy because it now the vote of the everyday people would actually count for something in presidential elections.

  48. According to CNN News, and recorded magnitude of 7.2 struck Mexico’s southern Guerrero state Friday April 18, 2014. It impacted major resort areas including the towns of Acapulco and Zihuatanejo. This quake occurred during Holy Week, a time when these resorts have a lot of visitors. The quake struck at 9:27 a.m. local time and only one building was damaged in Mexico City northeast of the quake and no major injuries have been reported.

    1. It's good to know that none were injured. I guess that it shows that maybe something or someOne was watching over them.

  49. According to CNN Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman was captured on February 22, 2014, the powerful head of the Cartel de Sinaloa was captured in Sinaloa, Mexico In a condo owned by one of his men. They would rent the apartments/condos 4-5 weeks prior to Guzman arrival to keep the authorities from getting any sense that he would be there. However, that Saturday night the Mexican Marines with the help of U.S. drug enforcement ran with luck, they had been preparing for this operation 6 weeks before as they knew he was going to be there by breaking into cellphone lines and other data they had access to. That night they surrounded the condo from top to bottom and after securing everything they broke in and used a heat sensor to make sure they saw everyone that was inside the condo making the mission a complete success and capturing one of the worlds most wanted drug Traficant. /02/23/world/americas/el-chapo-capture/

  50. On March 24, 2014, 529 people were sentenced to death in Egypt. The people were on trial for the death of a police officer during a protest of their president, Mohamed Morsi, the previous August. The verdict was met with disdain across the world, and many Islamists fear to speak out against their government that would likely have them put to death as well if they spoke out.

  51. According to Flipboard, an android news app, 36 people were found dead in a fiery bus crash in Mexico. At least 36 were killed and at least four injured after a bus slammed into the back of an already parked truck on the shoulder of the highway and burst into flames. Most of the roof and tires were found as ashes according to Television Images. The flame kissed bodies now make it difficult to identify the identities of the victims. The authorities have reached the conclusion that the truck was not properly parked but a state prosecutor is now further investigating this harsh incident.

    1. Clearly the bus driver was not paying attention to the road, this could have easily been prevented. I wonder if there was any other factors that contributed to the accident... So many fatalities, such a shame..

  52. According to Yahoo New, today, April 18th, a man in Murfreesboro Arkansas, found a 6 carat, white diamond, at the Crater of Diamonds State Park!
    David Anderson has found many diamonds previously, for he is a treasure hunter! He plans to donate it to the Speed of Light charity for a national youth ministry. He is very generous for this!

  53. Very recently On April 16th, Yahoo news decided to inform be about the meteor that flew in the skies of Russia that day. Interestingly, having not found the remains of the humongous rock it has not been officially stamped as a meteor. NASA experts have reported that that there have been "3 to 10 times more asteroid impacts" than previously predicted. While it was plummeting through the atmosphere, many raved at its blue-white flash of beauty.
