Monday, April 14, 2014

Current Event Blog #1

You must post on a current event that has occurred in the past month. You will receive no credit if you post on the same subject as one of your classmates, or if you post about an event that occurred longer than one month ago.

Your post must include:
  • Location
  • Source
  • Time/date
  • Overview of the event including people involved
Do not include your opinion in your blog post, but please feel free to include your opinion in your comments.

In addition to your post, you must comment on two different articles from your peers. Your comments should contain a relevant, thoughtful opinion on the subject presented.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Welcome to your AP English III Blog! I hope you find this as a useful way to share ideas, respond to readings, and explore current events. I am looking forward to seeing your post, and I can't wait to hear what you're thinking.